While growing up, my family thought I had some strange kind of intuition. Whenever I warned them about something (small or big), it usually happened. I could also warn a person about the possibility of a future event, and most times, the person I warned experienced the event. Some of these experiences were in fact frighteningly accurate, that I even dreaded thinking about them. Some of them were tragedies that I felt in my mind before they happened. I was in great agony over this. A few of my close friends know some of them, as I would confide my fears in them. Now that I discovered God’s Love, I have come to accept this as “Discernment of spirits”, which the Bible explains to be some kind of ability that the Holy Spirit visits on some people for a reason. Discernment of Spirits is not to be confused with fortune telling or soothsaying, for these are devilish. Discernment of Spirits is a unique intuitive gift from the Holy Spirit. It took me a long time to even contemplate it, but since I have seen so many extraordinary things happen about which I had a foresight, I have come to accept it. Although it showed early in my life, and I kept pushing it off, now it is very evident and powerful. Below are some few recent examples:
1) Wednesday September 29,2010: “The Man with a Corrupt Tongue”
I was on Vermont Avenue, it was late at night. Not wanting to go down the Avenue by myself, I decided to wait for Bus No 204. There were many people waiting for the same, too. At the same bus stop, was a black man, who was talking on his cell phone in a very irate, obnoxious manner. He was cursing, jumping about, throwing his arms in the air, and being forceful as he spoke on the phone. His eyes had a glint of evil in them. Inside my heart, I said with disapproval: “owabarogire takanaaba ga”, meaning that he was irrevocably destroyed by evil. After he finished talking on the phone, he walked through the groups of people and came to me. He faced me and said: “Ma’am, that was loud, I am sorry. I apologize.” I was as shocked as you that is reading this now. But later, I knew that some hidden power of the Holy Spirit must have struck him and made him aware that his language was corrupt.
Image: Michael Elliott / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
2) September 2010: “Claudius, the Hollywood Gigolo”
I first met Claudius (not real name), around August 2010. He was a Black muscle man from South America, with a toned, fit looking body. Since meeting him in Los Angeles, at the popular Coffee Bean on Wilshire Boulevard, he tried to flirt with me each time he saw me. He said he wanted to live his life as an “African King”, and so wanted me to give him more information about royal life in Africa! I had a sense he was prostituting himself, because upon looking at him, all I saw was a body devoid of a spirit. In fact, I talked to Liz, a friend of mine, about my foresight. So in September 2010, I happened to meet Claudius, again. I felt a very strong urge to tell him what I thought he was, and I got the courage to do it.
I told him that he was making his temple (body) unclean, and he needed to “stop renting” himself out to women. That was the hook! He actually admitted that he was using women sexually, as a means of survival and fun. He said he had to eat, and also liked having fun, at which point he offered me a piece of fried chicken, from the huge Kentucky Fried chicken bucket he was holding. I refused it: first of all, I did not eat meats any more, and also, who knew where it came from? Anyhow, his brief distraction did not stop me from giving him the message. I informed him that his sleazy, ungodly life would put him in trouble, as he would most likely get a disease, or find himself stricken with age and lonely, with no wife to comfort him. He said he had several women, and had sex with them at least three to four times a week. And that he did not wish to marry any of these women, but rather desired to satisfy his sexual desires on them. He claimed that the women looked at him like a “piece of meat”, so he was giving them what they deserved. Shocking as this was, I was not really surprised at his admission, because when I first saw him, that is what I discerned. So Claudius remains a confirmed gigolo in Hollywood, and incurable womanizer as of now. However, I at least delivered the message to him about the need to change his ways/ clean his temple and return to God.
Image: Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
3) Saturday, November 6, 2010: “Claudius, the Gigolo, Again!”
As I was doing work on my laptop at the Coffee Bean, my eyes sensed someone walking through the doorway. I looked up, it was Claudius, who is by now a confirmed gigolo, tiptoeing to sneak out after he saw me. Anyway, I saw him before he could exit, so he waved nonchalantly at me, and then stole out. He was wearing very badly worn out shoes. He zigzagged and used the back door to enter again, and I saw him a short while later exiting with his bags. He was very fearful of staying inside, and I guessed it was because I had told him to change his whoremongering ways and asked him to return to God. May he accept God’s light soon.
4) October 7, 2010: “The 1st Man with a Curse of Sodom”
I was at the popular Coffee Bean on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles, where people go for beverages and also get internet access. It is a social area. As I did work on my laptop, I saw a transsexual man dressed as a woman in the room. I did not really care about him, but he was conspicuously seeking attention by tagging at his large dress, pulling tables, and being loud. Then out of the blue, he came to my chair and said: “perhaps you have been told many times before, but you are a very beautiful woman. Very attractive features.” I just said “thank you”, but inside I was not happy about this intrusion. I was thinking he was gay, anyway, but was just dressed like a woman. As soon as he sat in his chair, he shouted at me across the room: ‘I am not gay!” Obviously, some hidden power must have communicated this message to him. Then he started talking on phone loudly, all the trashy, self absorbed talk of homosexuals.
5) Wednesday Oct. 27, 2010: “Pablo, the Ecuadorian Man with a Haunted Life”
This day marked the 6th day going without solid food. Surprisingly, I did not feel weak, had no pain in my throat, and I was not dizzy. In fact, I looked good. As I walked in the neighborhood, two black American men in a span of about three minutes from each other were expressing their common (but rather unwelcome) interest in me. One said “Good morning, beautiful lady!“ The other was in his car and put his head out to say “hi” to me.
I went to the Coffee Bean cafĂ©. Out of the blue, some man who said he was Pablo (name changed), wanted me to help him with his computer problem. I resolved the issue (he had turned off his wireless connection). I did not like his computer wallpaper, it was a sleazy photo of two lesbians kissing. I later challenged him about that obscenity. Anyway, after a short time, he was busy talking to me, and said that there was something he wanted my advice on. I asked him why he wanted my advice, he replied that he could feel a powerful force from me, and knew he could trust my judgment in his problem. He then told me of how he had fathered twins while married, but never heard of them after his lover told him of her pregnancy. She had disappeared, but recently, he started getting messages on Face Book, and these were from a grown boy and girl (twin pair), who said they were his kids. He said he knew they were his, and that they looked like his own kids from his previous marriage. He was now divorced. He said that he did not feel any emotional connection to his long lost kids, and did not know what to do about the issue. I advised him to keep a courteous relationship with them, since he was their father, and just be there when they needed him. I then took the opportunity to tell him about Jesus and God’s word. He said he was “Catholic” (it was obvious from how he was bedecked with rosaries and scapulars). I told him of the fakeness of his religion, and challenged him to look for the proper God through Jesus Christ, and not from idol worship. He was actually mesmerized, he tried to defend his religion, saying that was a religion of his family, and that when children were born, they were all given rosaries and scapulars as part of their religious tradition. It was then that I told him to serve the real God and not the traditions of his people, who worshipped Satan, disguised in religion. He broke down and told me how his departed family must have gone to hell. He said his father’s ghost came back to haunt their house in Ecuador (the water taps in the house would turn themselves on around 3.00am, and his siblings would see a man wearing a hat cross their living room from nowhere). He also said that his dead brother’s ghost came back to haunt them, and that nobody now lived in their house in Ecuador. All I did was to ask him to set himself a challenge to find out more about his religion, and to seek the true God through the savior, Jesus Christ. He said that my words challenged his brain so much. He said his head was confused before, but now it was even more confused. Well, I had done my job-I gave the message about the saving power of Jesus Christ.
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
6) Monday, Nov. 8, 2010: “The 2nd Man with a Curse of Sodom”
I was in Los Angeles, meeting a business associate. He came with a ‘gay’ driver, Michael (name changed), who seemed unstable, actually emotionally destroyed. On our way, he started a conversation with my colleague, with rather shocking vocabulary. However, what shockingly stood out for me was his confessed interest in “men with big bums at the beach!” I did not want to interfere in this uncomely conversation, but out of curiosity, I said: “Men, not women?” The reply was: “Not for me, sorry!” We had dinner at a popular hotel in Beverly Hills. All Michael was concerned about was how he was not properly dressed to be in such a fashionable hotel, how his car was not classy enough, how he had not groomed himself to look stunning for the men! He was all the time rolling his eyes and waving his pinky finger in a girlish manner. His mind was preoccupied with the superficial aspects of a fickle world. In the course of talking, Michael said that he was rarely intimidated by people, but that he felt something from me intimidating him! I supposed it was the aura and power of the Holy Spirit that said something to him. He had earlier on tried to defend homosexuality, saying it was a ‘chic’ lifestyle, and that Christians were trying to deny the homosexual group their rights. In my heart, I just prayed for him. He looked like a lost soul, with a dull spirit.
(Disclaimer: Very offensive content. Parental Discretion advised) CLICK here to see the medical consequences of homosexuality: http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html
7) Tues Nov. 9, 2010 A Catholic Diehard Encounters Christ
I met Larry (not real name), a native American and we discussed a lot. He gave me very positive feedback about my magazine, www.AfrikanSoulmag.com, and how it changed his mind to see the beautiful stories, especially proverbs and knowledge of the African people. He admitted his view of Africa was always the stereotype (starvation, loincloths, and animals!) I also took the opportunity to spread the Word of God, and used Biblical evidence to challenge the idolatry in his religion. He showed me a medallion with a crucifix and graven image, which said he was a “Catholic”. He explained that if he died accidentally, he would be buried with proper rites. In my heart, I was wondering how one could worry about rituals for a dead body, and not care about the fate of his soul. He also pulled out a postcard with a picture of a white man with long hair, saying it was Jesus. I got the courage to tell him that all his objects of worship were handmade in a factory, and had nothing to do with God. I explained how those items were real idolatry condemned by the Bible, not the worship of the Living God. The conversation went on for some time, and Larry’s mood was actually getting cold.
Ted (name changed), the musician, was also there. He was interested in our conversation. Larry seemed touched by what I said, he finally said his mind was into deep thought and introspection. He admitted he was discovering things he never discovered when he studied at a Christian University. Although he was really rigid in his ways regarding religion, he was visibly touched and even looked afraid. He had to go out to smoke. I have since seen him several times, he smiles at me. I am praying that he finds the True God, soon.
8) Ted, Counsel for all the Fallen Men…
Later that evening, I was talking with Ted for a long time, about love and relationships in the American culture. He, of the view that any man (Malaya--meaning whoremonger) was acceptablefor marriage, as he would be changed by the believing wife! In fact, he advised that being a whoremonger was a defacto situation, if not the fate of the American male and female! And that an HIV man was ok to marry an HIV negative woman, as “love” was above everything. He also added that I needed to accept the American womanizers and players, as a way of changing them. Of course I did not buy his advice, so I told him that the true God who has been protecting me for so long was not about to abandon me, or let me become prey for promiscuous players. I mentioned how one intending black American suitor had said I was “too pure” for him, because I challenged him to change his evil ways. This intending suitor’s conclusion was that I did not understand his “game” (hustling) a synonym for shady lifestyles, that might include prostitution, theft, and/ or sexual promiscuity.
Ted said that “God” used me to tell messages to people, and that the power of God was actually visible in me. I did not doubt this myself, judging from the several amazing events in my life so far. So I briefed him on the encounter with the man of the corrupt tongue, at the Vermont Bus stop. This man apologized to me after I secretly said “owabarogire takanaabaga” in my heart, as he was talking unimaginable curses on the phone. I also told Ted about the transsexual who accosted me and then shouted a defensive: “I am not gay!” across the room.
The conclusion of this conversation with Ted was like being tempted of the devil. Ted used his self-styled parable about a woman who drowned because she refused to take the boat and the helicopter that God had sent to her when her house was flooded. Knowing how bountiful the Love of God is, I know He cannot leave His faithful to get drowned in the evil created by the wicked rulers and dark forces of this world. God takes care of his own. Amen!
Image: Filomena Scalise / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
9) Wednesday November 17, 2010: The Pot-smoking American Gangster
He came to the Coffee Bean, smoking marijuana and looking meanly at everybody around. His pants were sagging below his buttocks, in the manner of Black American gangsters. He was black, too, with bloodshot eyes. He put his weed joint on the table near me, and I immediately started coughing. I asked him to keep his marijuana somewhere else, upon which he started cursing and defending the evil to be ‘legal’. I asked him who he was cursing, he said he was cursing me. I told him in the name of Jesus Christ, he could neither harm me, nor do any evil near me. He was obviously devil possessed and full of trouble. He was loudly lamenting about having to pay money for something, or the other, right in my face. He was chaotic and lacked social etiquette. I dispelled the evil spirits around him by the blood of Jesus. He did not want to believe and get out of bondage; he was frightened of the name of Jesus Christ. He gathered his belongings and left without another word.
Image: Boaz Yiftach / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Since most of my discernment and strange happenings have been with men, I have no doubt that God is using me to be a “fisher of men” and bring the Good News and light to the wayward.
© Rosemary K Gospel Witness Media, 2012
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